I highly recommend Intelius for reverse phone lookups.
Only 99 cents for a Phone Owner Detail Report! - Doug
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PhoneDetective Reverse Phone Lookup Review

PhoneDetective provides the most accurate reverse phone lookup information on the Internet. You can get a caller’s name, address and other information. You also have the opportunity, for an additional fee, to get detailed information about caller complaints against the number and to do a background check on the caller. Other services offer the same information but none are as accurate and up-to-date as PhoneDetective.

Click this link to get accurate information and immediately start a PhoneDetective reverse phone lookup.

A reverse phone lookup is a service that displays associated caller information based on a phone number, just the opposite of a phone directory search. Many web sites offer this service but there is a difference in data accuracy and price between the many services.

The Company: Even though you may pay more for the service, PhoneDetective data is the most accurate and up-to-date that we’ve found. They have made reverse phone lookups easy and fast, almost instant. PhoneDetective is a ClickBank® publisher and is, therefore, bound to ClickBank’s quality-control, customer support policies, and strict money-back guarantee.

The Web Site: The PhoneDetective web site is very simple and easy to understand. In fact, the first screen of the PhoneDetective web site is a data entry field for phone number. Action buttons are colored blue and orange so they are easy to see. There are easy-to-understand instructions for each screen. Example reports are available so you can see the information you will be getting before you purchase.

The Data: PhoneDetective reports are displayed quickly and the data is accurate. The Tracer Report includes the owner’s Name, Address, Phone Number Type (such as, Mobile or Landline) and the Phone Issuing Location address. A Google map is displayed to show the exact location of the phone owner.

Below the Owner Information is a table of People Search Results that lists names, addresses, phone numbers and household members for people matching the owner’s name. This is helpful in finding past addresses and phone numbers for the owner.

Finally, there is a table that lists the complaints about the phone number. Numbers of complaints are listed for the last 7 days, last 30 days, all time and complaints to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This will indicate if the owner has been identified as a problem caller in the past.

The Cost: At $9.95 per lookup, PhoneDetective is not the lowest cost. But we found that the information is the most up-to-date. A Premium Membership is available at $29.95 which offers unlimited people searches and basic reverse phone lookups for one year. If you plan to do multiple lookups, this is the Premium Membership is the best value.

As with all ClickBank products, the price is guaranteed so you can get your money back if the Tracer Report results are not acceptable.

Click this link to get accurate information and immediately start a PhoneDetective reverse phone lookup.

The information that PhoneDetective presents is easy to read and understand. And most importantly, the information is accurate and is available instantly.

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